Criteria for high quality antifoam


Quality defoamer, its physical and chemical properties must meet the requirements of the system, in general, the choice of antifoam must consider the following requirements:


(1) strong defoaming ability. When using a very small amount can effectively eliminate foam;

(2) antifoam to have a lower surface tension of the defoaming system, that is, the surface tension of the defoamer itself to be low;

(3) after the antifoam defoamer is added, it will not affect the basic performance of the defoaming system;

(4) antifoam is not soluble in the defoaming system, but also not easily soluble by the surfactants in the system, if soluble, it will lose the ability to defoam and lose the ability to inhibit foam;

(5) the balance of the defoamer surface should be good;

(6) does not react with the defoaming medium, and will not be degraded by its decomposition, antifoam to have good chemical stability;

(7) antifoam has good diffusivity and permeability, that is, in the foam medium has a positive diffusion coefficient, with the ability to spread quickly on the surface of the foam;

(8) antifoam should have good heat resistance and not lose effectiveness at high temperatures;

(9) antifoam has good gas solubility and permeability, so that the gas is not easy to gather and disappear from the foam, the foam is also easy to eliminate;

(10) has high physiological activity in the defoamed system, high safety, antifoam itself is preferably non-toxic, or at least low toxicity substances;

(11) antifoam has low COD, BOD and TOD values;

(12) Defoamer has good storage stability;

(13) antifoam has a long time defoaming effect, some defoamers can quickly defoam, but a long time that failure;

(14) The cost of antifoam chemical should be low;

(15) defoamer will not increase the surface viscosity of the surfactant aqueous solution.

To achieve the above requirements of the antifoam is very difficult, only in the main performance to meet the requirements of the defoaming system. Each kind of defoamer, can only be effective for a system or a number of systems. Can not be expected to use an antifoaming agent can achieve the purpose of defoaming. In addition, the same foam system can also use a variety of different antifoam, because of this, the variety of defoamer is very large, for different industries can use the most effective and most economical antifoam.

antifoaming agent

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