he value of defoamers that you underestimate


A lot of partners in the pouring of beer, cream will find a lot of foam, foam can be said to be everywhere in our lives, and sometimes will bring trouble to our lives. The harm of some industrial foam is not to be underestimated, so the defoamer antifoam has an important significance in the production activities.

Hazards of Foam

Production capacity is greatly limited

Such as a variety of biological fermentation (beer production, alcohol manufacturing, pharmaceutical production of major antibiotics, etc.) in a variety of fermentation tanks reactor cooking tanks and other equipment, in order to prevent the emergence of foam, to prevent the loss of overflow, the feeding coefficient to be greatly discounted, sometimes less than 30%.

Waste of raw materials and products

Because of the foam, it can cause the loss of useful or valuable raw materials due to overflow, and the resulting waste is self-evident. For example, in paper mills, sugar mills, and textile mills, the oiling process of the weaving process is often overflowing due to foam.

Prolonging the reaction cycle

Since the products of a chemical reaction include gases and liquids, foam causes gas to be trapped, prolonging the reaction cycle and unnecessarily consuming more power. Another example is if wine fermentation becomes tasteless due to the presence of foam that overreacts.

Impact on product quality

Textile industry in the dyeing, printing and water-based coating process, due to the retention of air bubbles, resulting in finished fabric spots, blemishes; pulp slurry foam in addition to environmental health, workers' health hazards, the finished paper will appear many holes, resulting in a serious decline in product quality.

Not conducive to accurate measurement

Industrial processes, due to the presence of foam, interference with the accuracy of the measurement of the liquid level meter, resulting in measurement errors, the presence of foam in the liquid, making the liquid density fluctuations, and often also cause the reactor absorption tower distillation tower level false high, resulting in the operation of a loss of balance, and even accidents.

Pollute the environment and cause accidents

Foam overflows, causing major fires and heavy losses, which not only cause waste, but also lead to serious loss of human life and property.


Meaning and classification of defoamer

The significance of defoamer

1、Improve environmental pollution, contribute to the national environmental cause

2、Improve the quality of products, improve people's quality of life

3、Improve production volume, production efficiency and enterprise economic benefits

Classification of defoamers

Defoamer can be divided into four categories according to the state: solid defoamer (powder and granule), emulsion defoamer, oil defoamer, paste defoamer.

According to the application of defoamer in different industrial production: it can be divided into water treatment defoamer, paper defoamer, fermentation defoamer, food defoamer and petroleum defoamer.

According to the chemical structure and composition of defoamer

Defoamer can be divided into mineral oil defoamer, alcohol defoamer, organosilicon defoamer, polyether defoamer, polyether modified polysiloxane defoamer.

How to choose defoamer?

1、Strong defoaming ability, low dosage

2、Does not affect the basic properties of the system

3、Surface tension is small

4、Good balance with the surface

5、Good diffusivity, good permeability

6, good chemical stability, strong oxidation resistance

7、No physiological activity, high security

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