Oil field defoamer in which areas of application


Petroleum is a non-renewable chemical energy source, often used in a variety of industrial applications, and is therefore known as the "blood of industry". In recent years, with the development of the petroleum industry, the foam generated in the process of oil extraction has become more and more prominent. The existence of foam on the viscosity of oil quality, underground oil resources, construction efficiency has caused great harm. In order to solve this problem, the oil field defoamer came into being, its rapid elimination of foam and effectively inhibit the generation of foam, and thus improve product quality, production efficiency, has become an important indispensable additives in the oil production process. Its main applications in the following areas:


Application of defoamers in the oil extraction process

In oil wells, subsurface pressure can bring about large amounts of gas dissolved in the oil to form bubbles. These bubbles can impede the flow of oil and lead to a decline in well production. By adding oilfield defoamer, these bubbles can be quickly broken, effectively reducing wellhead foam, stabilising wellhead pressure, and making oil flow more smoothly, thus improving oil recovery efficiency.

Application of defoamer and antifoam in oil and gas transmission pipelines

During long-distance transport, gas bubbles in the oil and gas can adhere to the pipeline wall, forming a bubble blockage phenomenon. This not only leads to energy waste, but also increases pipeline maintenance costs. The addition of oil field defoamer can effectively prevent the formation of gas bubbles and reduce the risk of pipeline clogging, ensuring the normal transmission of oil and gas.

Application of defoamer in oil refining process

In the oil refining process, distillation, cracking and other operations of crude oil will produce a large number of foams, which may affect the operating efficiency of equipment, increase energy consumption, and even cause safety accidents. By adding the right amount of oilfield defoamer, foam can be effectively eliminated to ensure the normal operation of equipment and improve the stability of the refining process and product quality.

Application of defoamer in petrochemical production

In the petrochemical process, gas is generated due to many reactions, resulting in the formation of bubble problems. The addition of an oilfield defoamer can effectively help to reduce the generation of gas bubbles, improve the efficiency of the reaction and the quality of the product, while reducing the maintenance and cleaning costs of the equipment.

Application of defoamer in wastewater treatment process

Sewage produced by the petrochemical industry contains a variety of organic and inorganic substances, which will produce a large number of foams in the sewage treatment process. The application of defoamer antifoam can effectively eliminate these foams and improve the effect of sewage treatment.

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