Paper defoamer, defoaming and foam inhibition is so simple


Foam problems in the paper industry have been plaguing a large number of paper producers. In the past to deal with papermaking foam, generally is the use of more backward mechanical method, or the use of manual removal of foam. Now, there is a more effective and convenient defoaming method, that is, the use of paper making defoamer.


Foam in the papermaking process is partly due to the addition of auxiliary additives, such as the addition of sizing agents and wet strength agent, similar to the surfactants containing foaming medium, it is very easy to cause a large number of foam generation. There may also be because the paper pulp is not washed clean, which is mixed with air, thus causing the formation of foam.

The emergence of paper foam, directly affecting the smooth running of the papermaking process. Foam in the slurry will affect the dewatering process of the mesh, resulting in insufficient paper strength, resulting in paper breaks. Too much foam may also affect the rate of operation of papermaking equipment, increase the consumption of equipment operation, and in serious cases, may also cause tripping phenomenon, resulting in equipment short-circuit and shutdown.

Want to solve these problems brought about by the foam, paper antifoam defoamer is undoubtedly a good choice. Paper defoamer added to the paper foaming system, defoamer for paper making components penetrate the liquid film between the foam, can penetrate between the liquid film, and the liquid film fusion, in the liquid film after the expansion of the liquid film instead of the original liquid film, discharging the foaming material. Or directly affect the liquid film, reduce its surface tension, so that the liquid film rupture, to achieve the effect of defoaming.

Paper defoamer

The advantage of using paper making defoamer is that it is very simple to use, just add the defoamer directly to the foaming system in proportion. And its defoaming effect, defoaming speed, foam inhibition effect is very significant.

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