Polyether modified silicon defoamer, do you know it?


Defoamer is a product used to quickly eliminate foam, in the defoamer according to the classification of components can be divided into mineral oil defoamer, polyether defoamer, non-silicone defoamer, silicone defoamer, etc. Today, we introduce a composite defoamer, that is, polyether modified silicon defoamer, I do not know if you have heard of, if not now come together to learn about it.

Polyether modified silicon defoamer

The main component of polyether modified silicon defoamer is a silicone nonionic surfactant made by graft copolymerization of polyether and dimethylsiloxane. Polyether modified silicon defoamer is different from the single-component defoamer, but effectively combines the advantages of polyether defoamer and silicone defoamer, so what are the advantages of polyether modified silicon defoamer?

1, Polyether defoamer has outstanding anti-foaming ability, and silicone has outstanding defoaming energy, polyether modified silicon defoamer combines the advantages of both, and thus has outstanding defoaming and anti-foaming energy, both.

2, Polyether modified silicon defoamer, through its linkage and the nature of its own non-ionic surfactants, making polyether modified silicon defoamer has the ability to self-emulsification, to help the system better defoaming and foam inhibition.

3, Polyether modified silicon defoamer for some of the more demanding conditions of the defoaming requirements, can better meet, like some polyester fabric high temperature dyeing process foam and fermentation process foam can play a good defoaming and foam inhibition.

4, Polyether modified silicon defoamer in the cost is relatively high, defoamer can play a 1 + 1 > 2 effect, with a share of the price can buy a polyether defoamer and silicone defoamer advantages of the combination of products, in the cost is relatively high, polyether modified silicon defoamer is a good choice.

Therefore, if you have defoamer needs, you can learn about the polyether modified silicon defoamer, which is a better defoaming performance plus a more cost-effective product.

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