Silicone defoamer, a product you can trust


Silicone defoamer is an auxiliary, its function is to eliminate the foam formed in the production process of materials, silicone defoamer whose main component is called silicone oil silicone components, silicone oil at room temperature is not volatile oily liquid, insoluble in water, animal and vegetable oils and mineral oils, or solubility is very small, can withstand low temperatures. Chemical properties inert, stable physical properties, no biological activity.

Silicone defoamer

Silicone defoamer is a white viscous emulsion. As a silicone defoamer, its application areas are also very wide, in the chemical, paper, coating, food, textile, pharmaceutical and other industries. Silicone defoamer is an indispensable additive in the production process, not only to remove the foam on the liquid surface of the production process process medium, so as to improve the separation, gasification, drainage and other effects of filtration, washing, extraction, distillation, evaporation, dehydration, drying and other processes, to ensure that the capacity of various types of material holding and handling containers.

silicone based defoamer

About the choice of defoamer:

Defoamer is easy to spread on the surface of the solution, automatically spread on the surface of the foam, will take away a layer of solution on the adjacent surface, so that the liquid film local thinning, to reach the critical thickness, the liquid film rupture, foam destruction. The faster the defoamer spreads on the surface of the solution, the thinner the liquid film, the faster the destruction of the foam, the strengthening of the defoaming effect. Therefore, the cause of defoaming on the one hand is easy to spread, the adsorption of defoamer molecules to replace the molecules of the defoamer, the formation of a less strong film. At the same time in the spreading process to take away part of the adjacent surface layer of the solution, so that the foam film thinning, reducing the stability of the foam, making it easy to destroy. Antifoam agent must simultaneously take into account the role of defoaming, foam inhibition, that is, not only should quickly make foam destruction, but also in a fairly long period of time to prevent foam generation.

Performance of silicone defoamer:

Silicone defoamer has three functions: foam breaking, defoaming and foam inhibition.

Advantages of silicone defoamer:

Silicone defoamer

1.Wide range of applications.

Due to the special chemical structure of silicone oil, silicone defoamer is neither soluble with water or substances containing polar groups, nor soluble with hydrocarbons or organic substances containing hydrocarbon groups. Due to the insolubility of silicone oil to various substances, so the application of silicone defoamer is wide, both the use of water system defoaming, and can be used in the oil system.

2. Small surface tension.

The surface capacity of silicone oil is generally 20-21 dyne/cm, smaller than the surface tension of water (72 dyne/cm) and general foaming solution, so the defoaming performance of silicone defoamer is good.

3. Good thermal stability.

Take the commonly used dimethyl silicone oil as an example, it can withstand 150℃ for a long time and more than 300℃ for a short time, and its Si-O bond does not decompose. This ensures that the silicone defoamer can be used in a wide range of temperatures.

4. Good chemical stability.

Because the Si-O bond is relatively stable, so the chemical stability of silicone oil is high, it is difficult to chemically react with other substances. Therefore, as long as the formulation is reasonable, silicone defoamer is allowed to be used in systems containing acids, bases and salts.

5. Strong defoaming power.

Silicone defoamer can not only effectively break the foam that has been generated, but also can significantly inhibit the foam and prevent the generation of foam. The use of silicone defoamer is very small, as long as the addition of one millionth of the weight of the foaming medium (1ppm), that can produce antifoaming effect. The common range is from 1 to 100ppm, which is not only low cost, but also does not pollute the material to be defoamed.

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