Water treatment defoamer should be how to choose?


The components of water treatment defoamer are mainly surfactants, carriers, emulsifiers, stabilisers and other components combined to become defoamer. It has unique stability and will not decompose easily when used. Compared with other water-based defoamers, water treatment defoamer has the characteristics of high efficiency, high activity, easy to disperse.

Water treatment defoamer is widely used in paper, textile, printing and dyeing, washing, petrochemical, biomedical and other industries in the wastewater treatment, but also currently used in a variety of industrial wastewater treatment in the most effective kind of defoamer.


Water treatment defoamer principle

Water treatment antifoam is the inverse process of foam stabilisation. Water treatment antifoam can also be said that all the factors that can destroy the stability of the foam, can be used for water treatment defoaming. Defoaming includes two meanings, one is "foam suppression", that is, to prevent the generation of water treatment foam; the second is "broken foam", that is, the foam has been eliminated. No matter what way to destabilise the foam, spontaneous entry into the liquid membrane and spread on the interface, dispersion, changing the interfacial properties of the liquid membrane, ultimately leading to the rupture of the membrane.

General characteristics of water treatment defoamer

At present, there are many varieties of water treatment defoamers on the market with different performance. According to the form of water treatment defoamer can be divided into oil type, water-soluble, emulsion type, powder type and composite type; according to the composition of the defoamer can be divided into polyether defoamer, silicone defoamer, non-silicon defoamer and silicone ether mixed defoamer.

Regardless of which water treatment defoamer, in addition to the special requirements of the foaming system, should have:

* Strong antifoaming power, low dosage;

* Add to the foaming system does not affect the basic properties of the system;

* Small surface tension;

* Good diffusivity and permeability;

* Chemically stable, good heat and oxidation resistance;

* Good gas solubility and permeability;

* Small solubility in foaming solution;

* Maintain good defoaming property in acid, alkali, electrolyte and hard water;

* Highly effective defoaming effect at low dosage, cost-effective;

* No physiological activity, high safety.

But in fact, at the same time with these conditions of water treatment defoamer is not, each kind of defoamer has its advantages and disadvantages and scope of application, use according to the requirements of the selection.

In the choice of water treatment defoamer

 According to the specific water quality, requirements and causes of foaming

To choose the appropriate defoamer


A number of factors need to be considered when choosing the right defoamer for water treatment. Only by understanding foam properties, operating conditions, environmental and safety requirements and economic evaluation, combined with professional advice and field trials, can the most suitable defoamer product be found to improve water treatment efficiency and reduce costs.

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