Analysis of the difference between silicone defoamer and polyether defoamer


Silicone defoamer and polyether defoamer is a branch of antifoam agent products, we all know that the two are the same antifoam agent products, can be used to solve a variety of foam problems. Today we want to introduce the difference between the two, so that you can have a clearer understanding of these two types of defoamers.

Silicone defoamer and polyether defoamer are named after their main components, the difference between the two includes the different components, can be applied to different foaming systems, as well as the difference in the use of the effect.


Organic silicon antifoam agent is generally used silicone oil and emulsifiers and other additives polymerization, silicone antifoam agent because of its use of silicone components, determines that it can be used in aqueous systems, can also be used in oily systems, the scope of use is relatively wide. Antifoam agent made of silicone has the characteristics of non-toxic, rapid defoamer, no irritating odor, no side effects.

Polyether defoamer made of polyether and other additives, is a kind of antifoam agent often used in aqueous foaming system, in the use of the effect, the polyether antifoam agent itself is not very outstanding ability to break the bubble, but the polyether antifoam agent has a strong ability to inhibit foam. The defoaming and foam inhibition ability of silicone antifoam agent is relatively balanced, it should be noted that silicone antifoam agent in the emulsification process is easy to have problems, thus affecting its performance.

From the above analysis, we can see that the silicone defoamer can be used in water-based and oil-based foaming system, and its antifoaming and foam inhibition ability are relatively good, but need to solve the problems arising from the emulsification process, otherwise the use of the effect will be compromised. Polyether defoamer is generally only suitable for aqueous systems, because of its defoaming ability and foam inhibition ability of the difference, so polyether defoamer is suitable for adding before the foam is not generated, directly inhibit the generation of foam.

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