Application of defoamer in pulp and paper making


The consumption level of paper and paperboard is an important symbol of the country's modernization level and civilization. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, we all have higher and higher requirements for the quality of various products, paper is no exception. But many factors are still restricting the improvement of paper quality, including the paper industry in the foam problem is one of the important factors.

Pulp and paper production of "black liquor" has been considered a huge source of pollution in the paper industry. Among them, lignin is not only the "black liquor" is the main component, is composed of biomass cell wall material "binder". According to statistics, each year about 5,000 tons of lignin with the "black liquor" was discharged into the water body.


01. Sources of pulp and paper "black liquor"

The paper industry uses wood, straw, reeds, rags, etc. as raw materials, and separates the cellulose by high temperature and high pressure cooking to make pulp. In the production process, the discharge of raw materials in the non-cellulose part of the black liquor to become paper.

Black liquor contains lignin, cellulose, volatile organic acids, etc., odor, pollution is very strong. Paper industry wastewater is a large amount of water, high color, suspended solids content, high concentration of organic matter, complex composition of difficult to treat organic wastewater.

02. Where does the foam in the pulp and paper "black liquor" come from?

(i)  in the process of paper washing, add chemical additives such as bleach and "black liquor" in the chemical composition of the reaction, it will produce foam;

(ii)  "black liquor" contains fatty acid salts, hemicellulose and other pollutants viscosity, not easy to degrade, itself is the basic component of surfactant substances, reduce the surface tension of the aqueous solution, easy to foam;

(iii)  The presence of excess alkali, incomplete precipitation of rubber and fermentation of slurry causes the "black liquor" to foam.

antifoam agent​

03. Impact of foam in pulp and paper "black liquor"

(i)  The production and processing aspects of the papermaking process can be affected, leading to production stagnation and reduced productivity.

(ii)  Impact on the surrounding environment, so that the sewage does not meet the discharge standards affect the water quality monitoring work.

(iii)  Foam also affects the concentration fluctuations in the headbox, making the paper flow unstable and causing problems such as paper breaks. Cause the quality of the subsequent paper to decline, resulting in replacement of the pressure of the pulp tank of the press to rise, so that the narrow place is easy to jam pulp plugging, resulting in a reduction in the service life of the equipment.

04. Antifoam Agent Product Recommendations

RISE Chemical research and development production of paper special antifoam agent AF-1820, is a silicone emulsion defoamer products, fast breaking speed. Defoamer has outstanding antifoaming and foam inhibition performance, excellent stability, and is recommended to be used in paper pulp making and sewage treatment industry.


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