Too many types of defoamer do not know how to choose? Here is the answer you want


There are many kinds of defoamers on the market

Are you often confused

You don't know how to choose

Today RISE will talk to you about

How to choose the right defoamer

How to choose defoamer correctly?

1. First of all, we need to distinguish which industry you are using, different industries correspond to different defoamer products.
2. Separate whether your system is oily or water-based. Water-based add water-based defoamer, oil-based add oil defoamer.
3. The role of antifoam agent is to be able to eliminate the harmful foam in the system, and can not have a negative impact on the original system of substances, this is very important.
4. Different industries will choose to use different antifoaming agents, some industries silicone antifoaming agent effect is very good, some industries but the silicone antifoaming agent is very exclusive, or no effect at all. So there is no one antifoam agent is omnipotent, only suitable for their own antifoam agent is the best.
5. To know their own industry, whether there is high temperature, strong acidity, strong alkaline, or high shear and so on, these factors will have a serious damage to the defoamer, so that it will soon lose its effect, such as the conditions mentioned above, we must choose some special antifoam agent.

6. After choosing the antifoam agent suitable for your kind, you should choose a product with stable quality in these kinds, so as not to cause great loss because of the instability of the antifoam agent itself.


What are the requirements for a quality defoamer?

1. The defoamer is insoluble or insoluble in the foaming liquid.
In order to break the foam, the antifoam agent should be concentrated and centralized on the foam film. For the case of foam-breaking agent, it should be concentrated and centralized in an instant, and for the case of foam suppression it should be kept in this state frequently. So the antifoam agent is supersaturated in the foaming liquid, only insoluble or insoluble is easy to reach the supersaturated state.
Insoluble or insoluble, it is easy to gather in the gas-liquid interface, easier to concentrate in the bubble film, in order to play a role in the lower concentration. Antifoam agent for the water system, the molecules of the active ingredient must be strong hydrophobic and weak hydrophilic, HLB value in the range of 1.5-3, the role of the best.
2. Antifoam surface tension lower than the foaming liquid
Only antifoam agent intermolecular force is small, the surface tension is lower than the foaming liquid, antifoam agent particles can be immersed in the bubble film and expansion.
It is worth noting that the surface tension of the foaming solution is not the surface tension of the solution, but the surface tension of the foaming solution.
3. Antifoam agent and foaming solution has a certain degree of affinity
Since the defoaming process is actually a competition between the speed of foam collapse and the speed of foam generation, the antifoam agent must be able to quickly disperse in the foaming solution in order to quickly play a role in a wider range of foaming solution.
To make the defoamer diffusion faster, defoamer active ingredient must have a certain degree of affinity with the foaming liquid. Antifoam agent active ingredients and foaming liquid too pro, will dissolve; too sparse and difficult to disperse. Only if the affinity is appropriate, the effectiveness will be good.
4. Defoamer and foaming liquid does not occur chemical reaction
Antifoaming agent and foaming liquid reaction, on the one hand, the antifoaming agent will lose its effect, on the other hand, may produce harmful substances, affecting the growth of microorganisms.
5. Antifoam volatility is small, long time action
First of all, to determine the need to use antifoam agent system, is a water-based system or oil-based system. Such as fermentation industry, we need to use oily antifoam agent, such as polyether modified silicone or polyether class. Water-based coating industry should use water-based defoamer, silicone defoamer. Select the defoamer, compare the amount of additive, in reference to the price, can come up with the most applicable and economical defoamer products.


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